Digital Marketing for Real Estate

Australia's #1 Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency

Let’s make things easier for you

Real Estate Digital Marketing That Delivers Knockout Results

Are you ready to jump into the ring with us?

We Understand Digital Marketing For Real Estate

The internet is overcrowded. We understand digital marketing and online advertising is a competitive space. So, how do you stay top of mind while prospects are shopping around?

You get the best of the best in digital marketing to throw on the gloves and fight with you.

Digital marketing is a powerful tool to engage your existing audience and find more prospects. By investing in your digital marketing strategy, you can knock out your competition.

We know you might be wondering whether you should keep doing marketing the traditional way. Things like signage, leaflet drops, advertising in the newspaper, and throwing huge money at those big property websites. But are you getting the number and quality of leads you hope for?

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Be Found Online & Stay Front Of Mind

By adding digital marketing to the mix, you ensure your offline efforts are working as hard as you are.

Your prospects need to hear you and see you. If they don’t, they’ll forget you. Digital marketing is a great way to stay on their radar.

But there’s more to it.

If they do remember you, and check you out online, what do they see? Can they even find you?

It’s important your online presence is easily found and reflects your business values.

And if you’ve become frustrated at the high cost of property advertising or noticed you can’t generate a good number of high quality, in-market leads, that’s where we fit in. We have proven digital marketing strategies and tactics in brand awareness and lead generation to help you achieve your business and marketing objectives.

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Trust A Local Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency

Some real estate businesses have tried outsourcing their digital marketing before, only to be disappointed by the results. So they’ve tried to do it themselves and found they didn’t have the time. Property Hype will help you grow revenue with new sales and marketing activities without breaking your bank.

We’re in your corner. We help the real estate industry get more buyers, sellers, and landlords direct to your website.

If you’re ready to take the leap, we’re here to help.

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Real Estate Facebook Marketing

Proud To Have Been Trusted By
Digital Marketing Real Estate

Real Estate Digital Marketing that Impacts your Bottom Line

Property Digital Marketing for Real Estate Agents & Property Managers

We help real estate agents and property managers attract new sales appraisals and property management agreements to get real, tangible results and business growth.

Our digital marketing strategies for real estate build trust. We use highly targeted messaging to showcase your reputation, team, premium services, benefits and unique selling propositions.

By using high-quality insightful content, we showcase you as a professional, trustworthy agency, business or brand – because you are!

Our organic and paid digital marketing strategies generate higher quality leads, sales appraisals and property management enquiries while improving your brand awareness and online presence.

Our experienced team is ready to take you through the journey, so you can achieve:

  • More sales listings
  • More sale appraisals
  • More property management agreements
  • Top of mind awareness with sellers and landlords
  • A reputation for being a winning agent
  • A reputation for getting incredible sales prices
  • A reputation for having a big database of potential buyers
  • A great online and offline presence
  • Having the best sales agents and property managers wanting to work with you.

With no lock-in contracts and a long history of getting results for our property clients, we encourage you to invest in your business and tell your story.

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Start Your Strategy Today
Digital Marketing Real Estate

You're in the era of digital real estate marketing

Are you Ready to Bring your Property Development to Life?

Selling something people can’t touch, feel or see can be really difficult. This is especially true when it comes to off-the-plan property developments. So you need to make sure you’re active in digital channels when people go looking for your product.

This is where we come in. We paint a picture of what their life could be like. We help you sell the dream, the experience and the aspirational lifestyle so they can’t wait to live in your development.

We attract prospects from all stages of the journey, deploying strategies to carefully nurture them until they’re ready to make the next move.

Everything we do, from our targeting strategy to the imagery we use and the copy we write, is designed to attract and convert leads.

When we achieve amazing results with our property developers (such as selling over 70% of a development within 6 weeks), we share in that joy. We have no lock-in contracts and a long history of getting amazing outcomes for our development clients, with results that speak for themselves.

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Bring Your Development To Life Today
Digital Marketing Real Estate

A real estate digital marketing agency in your corner to...

Attract More Leads to your Real Estate Business

We are a full-service real estate digital marketing agency, which means we can roll with all the punches in your digital marketing strategy. Some of the services we provide our real estate clients include branding, social media advertising, web design and development, search engine ads, SEO, email marketing nurturing, multi-channel digital marketing and so much more – all to provide high-quality, in-market leads. Better still, we have a proven track record of knocking out the competition when it comes to digital marketing for real estate – take a look at what our clients have said about us.

We understand the challenges faced by the real estate industry when it comes to acquiring a low cost per lead, or the stress that developers face when they are backed by investors, and they want to make sure they can deliver expected investment returns. This is why we provide extensive monthly reporting (results, leads, ROI) and we will never lock you into a contract.

We have a data-driven approach, which enables us to make strategic decisions by examining and organising data collected. We then use this data to personalise each message to your prospects – resulting in a more customer-centric approach – and a higher quality lead.

We are Australia’s #1 real estate digital marketing marketing agency and want to stay that way. We’ve been trusted by over 50 property industry clients over the past 14 years, and we’re always looking for new opportunities to get you a competitive edge. Most of all, we care. We’re driven by that feeling of satisfaction when your campaign succeeds.

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Let’s Get Started

digital marketing tools for real estate

The Digital Marketing for Real Estate Toolkit

When you choose Property Hype as your property digital marketing partner, we’ll dive deep into your business to understand how it works and what you need. We’ll not only take the time to listen to your business challenges, objectives, expectations and requirements, we’ll delve into the minds of your target customers. We’ll also research and analyse your competitors.

We’ve said before we’re your partner in the ring, but we’re also your coach. We’ll audit the channels you’re presented on, to understand what’s missing and what can be improved.

We can implement an ongoing strategy encompassing all digital channels, with reporting and analysis on ROI, leads generated, traffic generated – whatever means the most to you.




We specialise in providing great strategic online advertising real estate solutions that are tailored to your individual business goals. When we work with you, we take a step back and look at your objectives. We want to fully understand where you are, where you want to go and most importantly, how we can get you there.

Our digital real estate strategy encompasses all aspects of the digital space, making sure your online presence is cohesive, impactful and geared towards achieving your ultimate goals.

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Need someone to take care of your organic content so you can engage your audience on social media? Or do you need a sophisticated paid campaign that generates leads? Our expertise in all things social media means we can do both.

Social media marketing is just one of the digital marketing tools for real estate we like to implement for our real estate clients to keep their existing audience engaged. We also use it to find more prospects by maximising budgets, and to get relevant messages in front of highly targeted audiences – be they investors or potential home buyers.

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Your website is your best marketing tool. We implement digital real estate marketing strategies to drive traffic straight to your website, and we’ll make sure it’s functional, easy to navigate, and has all the information and calls to action for each of your target audiences, for all stages of their journey.

Our team of highly experienced web designers and developers build websites every day that are designed to convert leads into revenue, keeping customers and their user experience top of mind. If necessary, our designers can work with our digital marketing consultants to improve the effectiveness of your website – we know all the tricks of the trade (and all the secret ones)!

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Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is extremely important when searching for prospects. Search Engines such as Bing and Google are the places people turn to when they’re looking for something. Do you know how many times you have “Google’d” something? Exactly!

If your potential prospects can’t find you, you miss out. It’s that simple.

We can deploy a highly effective SEO strategy to improve your Search Engine presence organically, ensuring you rank higher on search engines, putting you front and centre, and making it easier for your prospects to find you.

We’re also search engine marketing gurus who can create paid ads, allowing you to go head-to-head with your competitors and own more real estate (pardon the pun) on the list of search results – plus ensure your website is showing up for relevant search words and terms.

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

An active database is a powerful tool for any real estate business as it’s an effective source of leads that can be nurtured and converted. We’ll help grow and nurture your database, building relationships with these potential customers throughout their buying journey, taking each user on a careful road to conversion.

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Graphic and Copy

Graphic and Copy

Graphic and Copy

We’re not scared to throw on the boxing gloves and get down to work. As part of your comprehensive real estate digital marketing strategy, our consultants are not only working on the big ideas for you, they’re also doing the nitty gritty – writing compelling copy and creatively designing your graphics. We do everything in-house to bring your online strategy to life.

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Search Engine Optimisation is your key to getting on top of Google and Bing results for the keywords your prospects are searching for. That means more leads, sales, appraisal requests or property management enquiries.

We do this by controlling your brand story and developing and implementing commercial and residential real estate SEO strategies to accelerate your business. We intend for you to own the organic search space in your target region and be seen as the winning business among your competitors.

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real estate digital marketing agency

How we get you more Leads, Sales, Appraisals, Listings & Management Agreements

Just like preparing for a big fight, we fully prepare ourselves before getting in the ring.

By choosing Property Hype as your real estate digital marketing agency, we take all the hits for you –  making sure you’re ready to go head-to-head with your biggest competitors.

Discovery Phase
Digital Marketing Real Estate

Discovery Phase

First, we’ll start with a discovery phase. This is an in-depth conversation where we take the time to listen to your business challenges, objectives, and requirements.

We also dive straight into the minds of your ideal customer with an extensive user understanding process. Some of the questions we ask, and research, include:  Who are your target personas? What are they looking for in a business like yours?

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Analyse The Competition
Digital Marketing Real Estate

Analyse The Competition

We then analyse what you’re currently doing (and what your competitors are doing), and look at what’s working, what’s not, what can be improved and what is missing altogether.

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Analyse Your Requirements
Digital Marketing Real Estate

We analyse your requirements and expectations and carefully plan our next steps to achieve greatness. We look at the biggest opportunities available, as well as the easy fixes, and the longer-term online advertising real estate strategies that require more patience.

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Get The Ball Rolling
Digital Marketing Real Estate

Get The Ball Rolling

We get the ball rolling – quickly! We understand our clients want us to make steps towards business growth straight away, so we’ll make a plan and get started, then optimise and add to our plan over time (based on real results).

Where we start is different for each client, based on where the urgency lies. It could be that we need to get leads – ASAP – so we might create a Google Ads campaign first. Maybe our client has a huge database that’s not being used, but potentially contains great prospects – so we’ll implement an email marketing strategy as the first step.

Long story short, you can see our approach is fully tailored to the specific needs of each client. You tell us what your problem is, and we’ll design the perfect digital real estate plan to take you where you need to go.

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A Data-Driven Approach
Digital Marketing Real Estate

A Data-Driven Approach

As we have a data-driven approach, we then make strategic decisions by examining and organising the data collected throughout your digital real estate marketing campaigns. We use this data to optimise the campaign and make changes when needed. This results in a better outcome for you.

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real estate digital marketing services that make a differnece

Don't just take our word for it...
Digital Marketing Real Estate

Nick Shinner

Op Properties

Development Sold Out In Record Time

The response we managed to obtain through the digital marketing implemented by Property Hype was essential in achieving the high level of sales success on the project. In fact I would say it was surprising even, both in terms of the quantity, but more importantly, the quality of the leads received. Plus backed up with great service.

Who can benefit from digital marketing real estate

We Help Developers, Real Estate Agents & Property Managers

Running a business is hard. Running a real estate business is particularly hard. Managing your enquiry level, sales, property management or leasing flow is the essence of your business, and we understand how difficult it is and how much cost, effort, and skill it takes to get everything right.

We know the difference between good leads and bad leads, and that sometimes getting more leads doesn’t necessarily result in a better campaign. We know you’ve become frustrated at the high cost of property advertising, and you need more prospects to visit your website for your business to grow.

We’re in your corner. We help developers, real estate agents and property managers get higher quality leads, sales, appraisals, listings and management agreements.

Let Us Help You Get More Leads

real estate digital marketing results

CASE STUDY: Benchmark Specialist Property Managers

Benchmark Specialist Property Managers were suffering constraints when it came to expanding their business. Facing a high level of competition, they needed to stand out online to actually be seen in the marketplace.

So, what did we implement?

  • Using radius, interests and behaviour targeting on Facebook, we focussed on relevant purchaser intent and made the most of ad spend.
  • We used Facebook Ads to acquire positive reviews from happy clients and to promote video testimonials that showcased the brand’s great reputation.
  • We conducted a technical on-page SEO Audit to identify search engine optimisation issues and opportunities to improve organic search traffic levels.
  • We built and launched a highly structured Google Ads campaign that featured more than 1,596 keywords across 851 ad groups, reaching those with the highest chance of converting.

when our real estate digital marketing services come together

What did we achieve?

Social media traffic to Benchmark Specialist Property Managers has increased by 691%.
The SEO Audit led to a range of on-page optimisations that delivered a 53% increase in organic search traffic.

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Our Digital Marketing Real Estate Results

More Praise From Happy Clients
Digital Marketing Real Estate

Lisa Larsen

Benchmark Property Management

Grew Business By 1/3 In Under A Year

By taking advantage of Facebook’s ability to target specific customers, we used a combination of direct Facebook advertising and sponsored content marketing posts to increase social media traffic to Benchmark Specialist Property Managers by 691%.

This lifted the brand awareness of Benchmark amongst landlords, tenants, sellers, and property professionals.

Quality property digital marketing

Our Real Estate Digital Marketing Results Speak for Themselves
Highly Qualified Leads
Decrease in CPA
Traffic Increase
Website Sessions

We have a long history of getting results for our real estate and property clients, in a short amount of time. Some knockout results include:

Generated 332 highly qualified leads within 6 months (an increase of 201%).
Decreased a client’s cost per acquisition by 39%.
Traffic to one of our client’s websites is doubling monthly (an increase of 659%).
Achieved an increase of 251% of social media marketing website sessions.

Ready to jump in the ring? Skyrocket your results and get more buyers, sellers, and landlords direct to your website.

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Answers from Australia #1 real estate digital marketing agency

Digital Marketing Real Estate FAQs

Does digital marketing work for real estate?

Yes, if done well, real estate digital marketing can work for real estate. With the help of digital marketing channels such as social media, email marketing and websites, you can create a thought-out and cohesive end-to-end approach using organic and paid strategies.

By following a road map, real estate businesses can communicate with potential buyers and sellers in their target region, allowing them to expand their reach and connect with more potential customers.

How do you market your real estate business online?

There are many ways to market your real estate business online, such as implementing a paid and organic strategy using social media, SEO, email marketing and more.

Can you do real estate without digital marketing?

Yes, but you could be missing out on lots of opportunities, especially to get ahead of your competitors who already have a strong digital real estate presence.

How can digital marketing increase sales in real estate?

By using a real estate digital marketing strategy, you can expand your reach to new prospects, as well as connect and build relationships with your existing prospects – resulting in more leads and more business.

What are the benefits of digital marketing for a real estate company?

There are so many benefits for your real estate business to implement a real estate digital marketing strategy. It allows you to be top of mind for potential prospects while allowing you to showcase your services, point of difference and great reputation.

It also allows you to reach large audiences with little to no media investment (versus radio and traditional advertising mediums). Digital marketing allows you to generate more leads by telling your brand story to those seeking your offering.

What digital marketing platform is best for real estate advertising?

With so many digital marketing platforms out there, we understand that some work better than others (when it comes to thinking about the best ROI) – so it varies depending on each business, their location and more.

Therefore, it’s important to analyse your previous results and adjust your property digital marketing strategy as you go to get the most out of your real estate digital marketing campaigns.

Why do real estate agents need digital marketing?

Real estate agents need digital marketing to reach a highly targeted audience with specific messages in each level of the funnel and to generate high quality leads at a good CPA.

Why is digital marketing important in real estate?

By utilising the reach of real estate digital marketing, you can connect and build relationships with new and current prospects, keeping your brand top of mind, resulting in more leads and more business.

How do you do digital marketing for real estate?

Digital marketing for real estate requires a thought-out and cohesive end-to-end approach using organic and paid strategies. Using a roadmap that includes channels such as social media, email marketing and websites, we can target potential prospects to encourage them to take action with your business.

What is digital marketing in real estate?

Digital marketing for real estate engages with an audience online and allows you to specifically target prospects who are currently searching for real estate properties, rentals, property management services and other real estate services.

Why do real estate agents fail at digital marketing?

Real estate agents may fail at digital marketing for real estate if they don’t have a highly targeted strategy for their online audience based on their prospect’s position in their decision journey.

Do you do personalised digital marketing strategies?

One size doesn’t fit all. We research and analyse your business challenges to ensure we provide you with an individualised ongoing strategy that meets your objectives, expectations, and requirements – always keeping your specific target audiences in mind.

When should real estate companies begin digital marketing?

If you haven’t already started using digital marketing for real estate to reach more people and generate leads, then now is the time. It’s never too late to start your digital marketing strategy to generate high quality leads at a good CPA.

Can you get a good ROI from real estate digital marketing?

Tailoring personalised marketing content to your specific target audiences generally results in a better ROI for real estate business, as there is no wastage of advertising budget to irrelevant audiences.

real estate digital marketing services

Key Aspects Of Our Service Delivery

Google Ads for Real Estate

Google Ads uses target keywords and phrases to increase brand awareness while generating leads from prospects with strong intent. It’s an important part of your lead generation strategy and a great way to place your brand in front of people who are actively searching for what you offer. We know all the tricks of the trade to achieve the best results for our real estate clients.

Facebook for Real Estate

Facebook marketing is a great tool to help you reach prospects that are already active in the market, and those that are in the research phase – as well as keeping you top of mind for future prospects.

By using a combination of organic and paid Facebook strategies, you can engage with existing customers, while reaching new ones. Important for all those in the real estate industry, Facebook marketing is especially crucial for property developers – where we can use social media to sell the dream lifestyle story of a particular development (even though the customer can’t see the end product).

Learn more about our Facebook Ads for Real Estate services.

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for Real Estate

We’ll research the keywords and search terms used by your target audience to develop your SEO strategy. We’ll then use these key findings, along with compelling and fresh content, to not only improve your search engine rankings, but to inform and encourage potential prospects to choose you as their real estate partner. Discover our SEO for real estate services.

Web Design for Real Estate

In most cases, prospects will need to go through your website in order to become a lead. How does yours come across to the first time user? Your website is an opportunity to make a great first impression and it allows you to position yourself to get the exact type of prospects you’re looking for, no matter where they are in the decision journey. See our real estate web design services.

Lead Generation for Real Estate

We understand the ultimate goal for most real estate businesses is to generate leads: more buyers, sellers, investors and agreements. We create a strategic lead generation plan by utilising all the suitable digital marketing channels to attract prospects at every stage of the funnel: awareness, consideration and action – all the way through to nurturing. More lead generation for real estate this way.

Add digital real estate to your toolbox

Why Digital Marketing for Real Estate is Important


In this technological age, digital marketing makes it so easy to stay connected and engage with your customers. It’s a way of building long term relationships to encourage people to keep using your services.

Improve your online presence

Your online presence reflects your brand. It’s the digital storefront of your business. Imagine walking into a run-down and dusty shop, with old or no items to see, and things on the floor to stumble over.

It wouldn’t exactly leave you feeling full of confidence. The same can be said for an online presence. Use the digital environment to showcase how easy you are to deal with and how great you are, with a magnificent showing of your team, services, and reputation.

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Grow and Scale

If you’re looking to grow and scale your business to the next level, use digital marketing to increase your reach and skyrocket your business growth. Whether it’s more brand awareness, more leads or more engagement – we can help you reach your goals with our highly effective digital marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing Real Estate

Our Packages

Our Digital Marketing Toolkit to Deliver Knockout Results

Develop high performance, integrated and data-driven digital marketing campaigns with Property Hype.

Being a full service agency means we can create multi-channel, digital marketing campaigns based on your objectives across a variety of platforms, using agile methodology that focuses on getting you results.

Think the full spectrum – with consulting, strategy, SEO, email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, web design, digital audits, remarketing, content marketing, conversion rate optimisation and digital marketing all part of our services – we can do the lot!

However, we understand this list can be overwhelming, so we work with you to develop the best mix to achieve your objectives. If you want us to focus just on digital marketing, we can do that, too.

Speak to us to receive a free strategy consultation.

Start Your Strategy Today
Digital Marketing Real Estate

real estate digital marketing agency

Property Hype - Your Partner in the Ring

Think of us as someone who’ll fight alongside you in the ring.

We are prepared for battle, and we understand (in great detail) how to get in the minds of your prospects and competitors.

We will always put your brand first, constantly optimising for the best outcome for your business, showcasing your greatness and delivering a tailored strategy to ensure you win.

We are passionate about helping the real estate industry, and along with our parent brand Living Online, we’ve been awarded for achieving great things.

Start Your Knockout Campaign Today
Digital Marketing Real Estate

The G.O.A.T of Driving High Real Estate Digital Marketing Results

Think of us as the Muhammad Ali of digital marketing for real estate. We are “The Greatest” at running highly successful social strategies for every type of business in the real estate industry. If you’re a developer, real estate agent, property manager or anyone in the real estate industry – you need us in your corner to get higher quality leads, sales, appraisals, listings and management agreements.

  • We deliver more than 7,000,000 visitors every month to our clients’ websites.
  • We’ve helped our clients double their sales in less than 2 weeks.
  • We’ve helped our clients skyrocket their international growth.
  • We’ve helped our clients deliver very healthy profits to their bottom line.

Our team continues to fight to the top to achieve the strongest results for all our clients, as seen in our International award recognition.

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real estate digital marketing agency

Our Award-Winning Digital Marketing Team

We are an experienced team of digital marketers, developing effective strategies across all industries and business types.

We are proud to say that, with our parent brand Living Online, we have been recognised on both a national and international level by the Australian Marketing Institute, Campaign Brief, Search Engine Land, APAC and Hermes Creative Awards.

We were granted a Platinum Winner for Social Media Ad Campaign for a boutique development at the International MarCom awards and was a finalist for Best Online Marketing campaign – Real Estate at the SEMrush Awards Australia.

We also secured a win as Best Marketing Agency by SEMrush and won Best Website – Real Estate at NYX MarCom international awards. These were all a tremendous honour, as being recognised by some of the biggest players in the digital marketing industry worldwide is a testament to the work we put into achieving results for all our clients.

Speak to us if you’re ready to jump in the ring with us to transform your business growth, starting with a free strategy consultation.

Book Your Free Strategy Consultation

Want to take your digital marketing for real estate to the next level?

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