Australia’s #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing Agency

Marketing Services For Real Estate Agents

Let's Grow Your Brand

Real estate agency marketing that exceeds expectations, not budgets

Can our agent marketing help you gain a competitive advantage?

Become the winning sales agent in your area

If you’re not getting the revenue you need, we can help to turn it around. Likewise, if you’re not getting your sales and marketing to work, we can show you how. See how the phenomenal power of digital marketing can re-energise your entire business, and deliver leads, listings, and sales like never before. Just ask us how.

Become the winning commercial agent in your area

If the traditional ways of marketing – signage, letterbox drops, local press – aren’t working, we can help. Or if you’re burning even more money on sites like Real Commercial with little return, then do something about it… like contact Australia’s leading agent marketing company.

Become the winning property management team in your area

Is your property management portfolio where you’d like it to be? If not, we can get you there. Are the leads drying up, along with the conversions? It’s OK, problems like this are fixable. We’ve had some incredible results for our property management clients, and we can do the same for you.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

Get More Listings, Build Your Profile

More leads, listings, and sales

The real estate industry is no place for the faint-hearted. Whether you’re working in commercial or residential property, the pressure is always on for new leads, new listings, and ultimately new sales.

In this relentless pressure-cooker environment, the agencies that flourish have strategies in place that recognise the increasing role of digital marketing, which has turned the real estate agent industry on its head. And it’s only getting more competitive.

If you’re looking for a partner who understands the complicated digital marketing space, can take control of the full spectrum of digital marketing services, and make it work for your business, we’d love to talk with you.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

The best marketing for real estate agents

Our real estate agent marketing services can help you:
  • find more homeowners looking to sell
  • find more property owners looking for tenants
  • promote your brand to sellers across multiple platforms
  • get you top of mind for sellers, and landlords, in your area
  • grow your database
  • build your all-important sales pipeline
  • maximise your marketing dollar
  • increase your return on investment (ROI)

Most importantly, we help you become the #1 agent in your area.

Your New Marketing Team Is Waiting >

Ready to take your real estate agent marketing to new heights?

Become the only agent that sellers and investors think of when the time is right

The #1 marketing agency for real estate agents

Proud to be trusted by real estate agents and agencies alike

You know your business, we know agent marketing

We’ll open your conversion pipeline so you can close more deals

Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply rely on word of mouth to run a successful real estate agency? You can’t, not anymore. Sure, you’ve got to be good at what you do – that’s a given – but if you’re not using the full marketing power of digital platforms, or you’re only dipping your toe in half-heartedly, then your agency is going backwards.

Digital marketing is no longer just an option – it’s imperative if you want to open your conversion pipeline so you can close more deals. We can show you how to maximise the phenomenal power of digital marketing in ways you could never imagine.

Grab more home sellers and landlords who are in the sweet spot

Grab more home sellers and landlords who are in the sweet spot

Grab more home sellers and landlords who are in the sweet spot

At any given time, there are hundreds of potential home sellers and property investors coming in and out of the market. We’ve proven that we know how to find them when they’re just in that sweet spot of choosing an agent.

Prevent home sellers and landlords from falling through the cracks

Prevent home sellers and landlords from falling through the cracks

Prevent home sellers and landlords from falling through the cracks

Sometimes it’s a small window – maybe one or two weeks – when home sellers and property managers are ready to sign on the dotted line. Or it can be a longer journey where you’re slowly building up trust while they’re making their minds up.

Either way, you’ve got to be there with your digital messaging, always nurturing, always putting forth your credentials in a professional and friendly way.

We can show you how expert marketing for real estate agents can work for you to prevent potential home sellers and property investors from falling through the cracks.

Mainstream advertising versus many streams of digital advertising

Mainstream advertising versus many streams of digital advertising

Mainstream advertising versus many streams of digital advertising

Mainstream advertising, such as TV, radio, and press, is being smashed by many streams of digital advertising. Viewership and advertising revenue is shrinking by the day. This is why you’re seeing so many boring infomercials on free-to-air TV.

More people are spending their time in the digital space. They’re on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Snapchat, and using search engines like Google to find the stuff that really interests them.

This includes local real estate agencies like yours.

Our expert team is skilled at identifying the digital marketing platforms right for you (and the best marketing tools for real estate agents) that will deliver an exceptional ROI.

Focus on your business (and let us focus on the digital marketing)

Focus on your business (and let us focus on the digital marketing)

Focus on your business (and let us focus on the digital marketing)

The real estate business is hard enough without having to get your head around the ever-changing world of digital marketing.

Even if you have an in-house marketing team handling aspects of your digital marketing, chances are they’re juggling plenty of other responsibilities as well. If this sound familiar, then think about giving us this responsibility, or at least sharing some of the load.

We can quickly turn around the digital marketing of your agency into your most effective – and cost-effective – weapon in the pursuit of new listings, leads, and sales.

Your brand needs to stand for something – and it needs to stand out

Your brand needs to stand for something – and it needs to stand out

Your brand needs to stand for something – and it needs to stand out

Your brand is a lot more than a pretty logo and a stylish font. It needs to stand for something – professionalism, service, local knowledge, highest average sales price. Importantly, it also needs to stand out in the local area. This is where we can help.

We can implement a range of digital marketing services for real estate agents to lift you to the number one choice in your local area among home sellers and property investors.

Dominate the competition, and gain market share

Dominate the competition, and gain market share

Dominate the competition, and gain market share

In your local area, there’ll be dozens of competitors trying to get their slice of real estate action. Depending on the market, a 2 or 3% gain in overall market share can translate into millions of dollars in extra sales, which feeds into your bottom line.

Once we get to know your business, we can recommend a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to help your agency dominate the competition and gain critical market share.

Marketing for real estate agents

Just 11 steps between you and your desire to be the #1 real estate agent...

See how Property Hype’s marketing services for real estate agents can work for you

Step One
Real Estate Agent Marketing

A real estate agent marketing company that cares

The first thing we’ll do is listen
Over the years, we’ve developed a proven process that allows us to tailor a digital marketing campaign perfect for you. It starts with an initial meeting with key members from your team and ours. In this meeting, we’ll ask a lot of questions, do a lot of listening, and take lots of notes. We’re grateful for whatever information you’re willing to share, which is all strictly in confidence.

This process of discovery is invaluable. Our aim is to gain insights into your business, and a clear idea of what you hope to achieve, such as the number of leads based on your conversion rate or what a great ROI looks like to you.

Step Two
Real Estate Agent Marketing

The first part of your agent marketing strategy

We want a profile of your perfect customer
Every real estate market is different. In more affluent suburbs, the psychographics of home sellers and property investors will be completely different to a more blue-collar area – and this information can influence the digital market strategy. The more detail you can share on your perfect customer – who they are, what they do, what they want from an agency – the more effective our digital marketing strategy will be.

This information is critical – it will define our strategy. So, if we ask lots of questions (and we will) then we apologise in advance – we’re not being nosy, we just want to get it right.

Step Three
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Workshops made for real estate agents

We’ll put our heads together to brainstorm
We might decide that an extra interactive discovery workshop between your key staff and ours is the way to go. Together we can explore in more detail the opportunities to engage with the potential customers you’re chasing. We can learn about some of the things you’ve tried, what’s worked and what hasn’t.

This helps us make informed decisions on the digital platforms to ramp up, and the strategies to generate more leads, more listings, and more sales. If we think we have a good handle on your targets, and your business objectives, we can come back with a strategic analysis and some key recommendations. We’ve got tonnes of marketing tips for real estate agents, and we want to share them with you.

Step Four
Real Estate Agent Marketing

An optimised website for your real estate agent company

We’ll get your website functioning properly
Your website is often the first opportunity to make a great impression. Think of it as a sales tool that works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It not only needs to look good – and provide information that’s easy to digest – it needs to work as hard as it can to drive conversions.

If it’s not doing this, then it’s not functioning properly. Our team of digital marketing experts can reconfigure your website to optimise the conversion rate, as well as optimising the user experience based on defined targets.

Step Five
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Real estate agent Search Engine Marketing

FA few quick wins for a faster ROI
We’re confident we can turn things around quickly for your agency, and get you the leads, listings, and sales you’re chasing. In the short term, we may decide to implement a range of Google Ads strategies and tactics, using key words and phrases that will generate more leads and listings into your conversion funnel, and get you some quick wins for a faster ROI.

After all, we aren’t an award-winning Google Ads agency for nothing. Real estate marketing for agents through Google Ads is one of THE most effective ways to generate high-quality leads fast.

Step Six
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Creative & engaging social media marketing for real estate agents

Create lead generation campaigns across social media
Social media is exploding as a marketing tool for real estate agencies, and for good reason – it works. We can ramp up your presence through our targeted social media real estate marketing. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more all provide opportunities to generate leads and foster relationships.

Even if you’re doing some of this now, we can show you how to create lead generation campaigns that work across a range of social media platforms. Remember, it’s less about selling and more about sharing. But don’t worry, the sales will come.

Step Seven
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Your secret lead generation weapon

The pulling power of lead magnets

‘Free’ is one of the most powerful words in the history of marketing, and it works brilliantly for lead magnet campaigns in digital marketing – a killer marketing strategy for real estate agents. If you’re not familiar with the term, a lead magnet is something your intended target wants and is prepared to give you their contact information to receive.

For instance, if you’re targeting home sellers, you could offer a free downloadable ‘house checklist’ for home opens. Or perhaps a free appraisal to determine the value of the property in today’s market.

If you’re targeting new landlords to add to your property management portfolio, you might consider a downloadable free market analysis report, or a free guide to buying a rental property. Keep in mind that it needs to be perceived as being of value to your target. Because when you have some contact information – BANG – you’ve got them in your funnel. Now your next real estate agent marketing strategy can begin to nurture them to conversion.

Step Eight
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Other proven marketing strategies for real estate agents

Cut-through strategic remarketing and email campaigns
Not everyone is ready to commit when you make a connection. You’ll need to nurture your leads through remarketing campaigns. These are a clever way to market to home sellers and property investors once they’ve visited your website. These people have come to you for a reason.

Now it’s a matter of keeping them in the conversion funnel with content that’s relevant to them, that’s topical, and is presented in a non-salesy way. Of course, if you can add your own personality into it, and a touch of humour every now and then, that’s even better. Remember, patience is the key.

Step Nine
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Agent marketing that builds up your profile

Build brand awareness, recall and trust
If you’re not on the radar of home sellers and property investors, then that means someone else is. Probably your competitors. It also means you’re likely losing market share to other digital-savvy competitors, a slippery slope that’s hard to reverse. The good news is that we can stop the bleeding and turn things around.

One of the most effective ways to build your brand awareness, and to get in front of more eyeballs more often, is through a digital marketing strategy across multiple platforms. In a relatively short period of time, we can build up your brand awareness and recall, while at the same time building up your trust through a range of top and middle-of-the-funnel real estate agent advertising and remarketing campaigns.

Step Ten
Real Estate Agent Marketing

SEO for real estate agents

The rules have changed for SEO
We can apply a range of SEO strategies to attract more home sellers and property investors into your conversion funnel. We know the new guidelines that Google applies, as well as the old tricks to avoid. Today, it’s all about the user experience. Your website needs to be fast and functional and the content needs to be original, as well as succinctly answer the search query.

Also, the SEO strategy must work at every stage of the customer journey. While it sounds tricky, this is the stuff that gets us excited every day. Why? Because we know it can help to transform your business, to re-energise your staff, and to get your agency humming like never before.

Step Eleven
Real Estate Agent Marketing

The best agent marketing campaigns keep evolving

Analyse. Optimise. Refine.
One of the things we love about digital marketing is that almost everything can be measured. This includes page views, costs per lead, returning visitors, conversion rates, click-through rates, traffic from other channels, average bounce rates, first-time visitors, and so on.

These metrics are nuggets of gold – they allow us to gauge the effectiveness of our campaigns on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis against a set of agreed benchmarks. Of course, we’re not always going to get things perfect the first time around – digital marketing is an inexact science after all.

But what we can do is analyse the data with a fine-tooth comb. Then, if necessary, we can refine the messaging and the approach to optimise your ROI. Amazing real estate agency marketing that also gets an amazing return on your investment- yes please!

Marketing for real estate agents that really work

Features that set our award-winning real estate agent marketing campaigns apart

Your brand and your business are everything. It’s why you get up in the morning, and show up day after day. You’re driven to make a difference, so it only makes sense that when it comes to real estate agent marketing companies, you choose the one that cares as much about your success as you do.

See what features we include as standard when it comes to getting you the results you desire (and deserve!).


Agent Marketing Audits To Identify Opportunities

As part of our process of discovery, we’ll carry out an audit of your existing online presence and marketing campaigns. It’s important to find out what you think is working, and what isn’t, as well as where your marketing dollars are being invested. The more we know, the more confident we can be with our recommendations.

Account Setup

Setting Up Your Agent Marketing Campaigns For Success

The more insights you have into the behaviour of your potential home sellers and property investors when they engage with you online, the more you can learn and adjust your campaigns and strategy to draw them into your conversion funnel.

With the aid of platform-specific tracking codes and pixels, we can set up conversion tracking that takes into account all platforms.

Conversion tracking identifies which clicks, such as calling a number, playing a video, or visiting your website, turn into conversions. You can then use this information to tweak the messaging and improve your ROI.

Integrated Campaigns

Multiply Leads With A Multi-Channel Agent Marketing Campaign

Every digital platform is an opportunity to talk with home sellers and property investors in a way that catches their attention and drives them into your conversion funnel. Of course, you’ll need to have something to say that’s relevant, engaging, and works for the platform it’s intended. And you don’t want to be second-guessing this.

As a full digital marketing agency (that loves marketing for real estate agents), we’re across everything in this space. We have the knowledge, experience, and proven results to implement a cohesive multi-channel strategy that’s bang on target, that hits the right notes, and can send your leads, listings, and sales through the roof.


Analytics & Reports That Focus On Your ROI

Analytics and reporting is vital information that helps us to remove the guesswork and maximise your ROI. Together we can deep dive into all your marketing campaigns, digital and traditional, to make sense of what’s been happening. We’re looking for those gold nuggets of data that can form the basis of a sound digital marketing strategy going forward.

At the same time, we’ll be reporting on your ROI and the return on ad spend (ROAS) for each platform.  Often that’s where we’ll also find the insights. Based on the analytics and reporting, we’ll then make observations and recommendations on the best strategy to meet your key business objectives. Marketing costs for real estate agents are often a big investment so you want to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck!


Maximise Your Agent Marketing Campaigns For Maximum Leads & ROI

Effective digital marketing campaigns are all about building on the knowledge and insights from analytics and reporting. We then apply it in a way that constantly optimises your campaigns. Rest assured, what we’ll never do is set and forget. That’s just plain lazy.

Instead, we’re all about analysing, refining, and optimising the messaging you’re putting out there to generate the leads, listings, and sales you’re chasing – and for the maximum ROI. This is one of the key tactics that sets our marketing for real estate agents apart from other agencies.


An Agent Marketing Company That Focuses On Transparency & Communication

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors in the digital market industry. This is exacerbated by a plethora of digital marketing ‘experts’. In this confusing, ever-changing space, it’s hard to know who to trust – we totally get it.

But here’s something to think about. One of our strengths is that we tend to build long-term business partnerships with our clients, as opposed to one-off projects. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, we consistently achieve spectacular results and amazing ROI for our clients, which makes them want to keep working with us. But just as importantly, we’re totally transparent. In other words, you’ll know exactly where, when, and how your money is being spent across each platform.

Better still, we can measure the return on your investment, and tell you exactly what’s working. We’re also pretty flexible. We can organise weekly phone calls, monthly in-person meetings, email updates, and more. Basically, whatever works for you.

Marketing strategies for real estate agents

The secret sauce to agent marketing.. and building your client list FAST

Marketing for your real estate agency doesn’t have to be hard. See how these strategies combine to create the ultimate marketing plan for real estate agents who want to stand out from the crowd and leave their competitors in the dust.

Website Design
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Websites for real estate agents

We can apply a strategic set of eyes to your website
It’s amazing how quickly your website can date. Images, fonts, graphics, and the overall user experience all play a role in the presentation of your brand – and they all have a shelf life. We can apply a strategic set of eyes to your website, focused on converting users to leads. At the same time, we can develop a website with a ‘wow’ factor that makes you stand out from the competition and generate more leads.

We are an award-winning website design agency, not just because our websites look good, but because they CONVERT. Marketing costs for real estate agents can be high – but if you’re spending this money driving potential clients to a website that doesn’t perform, your financial investment has been for nothing. Never skimp on getting the foundations right.

SEM Strategies
Real Estate Agent Marketing

SEM for real estate agents

Finding home sellers and property investors in the sweet spot
New home sellers and property investors are moving in and out of the market all the time. It’s a never-ending cycle where there will always be a portion of home sellers and property investors who are right in the sweet spot, ready to commit. And guess what – it’s even sweeter when they come to you.

We know the search engine marketing strategies to snaffle these prized customers and guide them your way. This includes the use of paid Google and Microsoft advertising to drive bottom-of-the-funnel leads that result in exceptionally high conversion rates. It’s why we always recommend this platform as an essential component when marketing for real estate agents.

Social Media Campaigns
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Social media for real estate agents

Get creative with social media to get more leads
It’s one thing to be posting things on social media – it’s another thing to cut-through the clutter to build your brand and generate leads. To make it splash on social media, it pays to get a little creative.

This often includes a combination of visuals, videos, sound effects, and more to position yourself as brand that knows how the platform –whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, or something else – works. If your in-house marketing team is struggling with ideas, or just too busy, talk with the social media experts at Property Hype. Our team can implement all sorts of clever and creative marketing ideas for real estate agents that’ll generate top and middle-of-the-funnel leads.

Brand Awareness
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Brand awareness for real estate agents

We can get you top of mind in no time
It’s hard to generate leads, listings, and sales if nobody really knows who you are. If home sellers and property investors aren’t coming to you in the numbers you’d like, then you simply go to them and let them know how good you are.

This is why brand awareness is so important to make new connections on a regular basis, rather than waiting until someone is ready to sell their home or looking for someone to manage their property investment. By then it’s probably too late.

Let us show you how we can get you top of mind in no time – and keep you there – through agent marketing that cuts through the clutter.

Lead Generation
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Lead generation for real estate agents

We’re leaders in lead generation
Real estate lead generation is a numbers game, and unfortunately there’s no silver bullet. Successful lead generation strategies are the ones that focus on the entire journey for home sellers and property investors.

At Property Hype, our digital marketing experts can implement proven lead generation marketing strategies for real estate agents that will generate leads at the top, middle and bottom of the funnel. Importantly, this type of approach delivers a more cost-effective ROI than only targeting home sellers when they’re in that small window of either selling or renting.

At the same time, we’ll widen the funnel by enabling your key targets to connect with you on the platform chosen, as opposed to just enquiries from your website. The result is more leads, more listings, and importantly, more signings on the dotted line.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

Remarketing for real estate agents

Once we’ve got a lead, then when we get to work
Rarely will a home seller or property investor convert on their first visit to your website, but that’s ok. We can help you to play the longer game. This is where remarketing on social media and Google comes in very handy. Remarketing is a remarkably cost-effective way to stay top of mind (and eyes), to build trust, and to provide additional reasons for a home seller or property investor to convert when the time is right.

While they’re making their minds up, you can keep proving your credentials – you know the local market, you’ve got runs on the board, and you’re providing relevant, engaging content that shows you know what your target is looking for. This knowledge is what makes us the leading marketing agency for real estate agents.

Email Marketing
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Email marketing for real estate agents

Email marketing is a low-cost high-return strategy
Let’s start with a crazy stat; the number of active email users is expected to reach 4.4 billion in 2023*. That’s 8.6 billion eyeballs receiving and sending content regularly, via their email account. Your email database won’t be anywhere near this size, but hey, we can work on it!

Email marketing is a proven strategy for nurturing cold and warm leads, keeping your key targets engaged, and your agency top of mind. Again, the same basic rules apply for any digital marketing you’ll do – you’ll need to create valuable content to generate loyal customers who will look forward to receiving your email correspondence, even if they’re not in the mental space to make a commitment.

But here’s the icing on the cake – email marketing can be incredibly cost-effective with research suggesting that email marketing generates $50 for every dollar spent.** We can show how to develop a low-cost, high-return email marketing strategy for real estate agents that gets results from day one.


Real Estate Agent Marketing

SEO for real estate agents

Agencies – start your search engines
Tired of spluttering and misfiring when it comes to lead generation strategies? Then agencies – start your search engines. We can rev up your lead generation strategy by getting qualified visitors from search engines to your website.

SEO is not just about directing the quality and quantity of home sellers and property investors to your website, it’s also about providing an optimal user experience once they arrive. This includes a responsive, user-friendly site that has excellent loading time, as well as handy blogs and resources to engage with.

Better still, you don’t have to lift a finger once you have everything in place – just like magic, the leads will come to your website at all hours of the day and night. We can show you how to make SEO work as a key part of your real estate agent advertising strategy in ways you could never imagine.

Content Marketing
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Content marketing for real estate agents

Not all content is equal
You’ve probably heard the truism about content being king. There’s another we’d like to share – not all content is equal. In fact, some is absolute rubbish. Any content that treats the reader with contempt, or tries the hard sell, or is just written poorly, will simply be ignored. Or worse, the receiver may permanently unsubscribe.

Effective content marketing is about being relevant, engaging, full of interesting information presented in a friendly professional way, and above all, valuable. For instance, you could develop a lead magnet to a specific segment of your database (ie ‘downsizers’) that takes the form of a step-by-step guide to downsizing to an apartment.

Or for a property investor, there could be a lead magnet that provides a guide to the projected yields for houses and apartments in the local area, based on recent data. Of course, there’s some upfront work to be done with this type of content marketing, but the rewards – leads, listings, and sales – can be extraordinary.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

Reputation management for real estate agents

We can help you to generate positive reviews
Sometimes when home sellers and property investors come to your website, they won’t know you from a bar of soap. And that’s OK, especially if you’ve got some positive reviews that help to build your authority and trust. They don’t have to be long and wordy, or too gushy that it just sounds fake. Ideally, a positive review will include a few short and snappy sentences that positions your agency (or selling agent) as being great at the job.

Also, it’s a good idea to continue to market to any client who has given you a positive review in the first place – they’re priceless ambassadors of your brand. Call us today to see how quickly we can generate positive reviews that Google and your clients will love.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

Unparalleled real estate agency marketing

We’re all over digital marketing (and real estate agent marketing)

We’ve been working in the digital marketing space for ages – and we love it! We’ve also been fortunate to work with plenty of real estate agencies who have come to see us as a valuable business partner that can make a big difference to their bottom line by generating more leads, listings, and sales. Here’s a few more reasons to choose Property Hype as your real estate agent advertising and digital marketing experts:

  • We can combine the right platforms and strategies for your needs.
  • We can develop a multi-pronged approach to multiply your leads.
  • We’ve won awards for real estate agent marketing.
  • We know the digital marketing strategies that’ll work for you.
  • We’ve got some incredible case studies we’re happy to share.
  • We’re focused (dare we say obsessed) with ROI.
  • We’re creative, strategic, and easy to work with.
  • We can integrate your existing technology and customer relationship management (CRM) to drive new leads.
  • We can get you off money-sapping and Domain.
  • We can get you (and your staff) excited about your work again.
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How marketing for real estate agents works

Home sellers and property investors are looking for you... so make sure you're found

Looking for marketing ideas for real estate agents (that really work)? We’ve got you covered.

Tap into our digital marketing skills, strategies, and proven experience

Tap into our digital marketing skills, strategies, and proven experience

Tap into our digital marketing skills, strategies, and proven experience

It’s not good enough to be great at what you do anymore. If you don’t have a handle on digital marketing, then you’re missing out on the biggest opportunity to grow your real estate agency.

Every hour of the day and night, you’re competing with dozens of real estate agencies in your area – and without a clear digital marketing strategy your chances of growing your market share are next to nil. That’s where choosing the #1 marketing company for real estate agents comes in.

We live and breathe digital marketing

We live and breathe digital marketing

We live and breathe digital marketing

The good news is that you don’t need to be an expert in digital marketing. Instead, you can get us involved – we live and breathe digital marketing for real estate agents. More importantly, we get incredible results for our clients.

If you’re consistently disappointed at the effectiveness of real estate websites, and the lack of success you’ve been having with massive letterbox drops and local press ads, then it’s time to switch tack and ramp up your digital marketing.

We get to know you and your business

We get to know you and your business

We get to know you and your business

Every business is different. Part of our job is to find out what makes you special – what are your key strengths? Importantly, we don’t make assumptions, or have any preconceived ideas on what will work for you.

Instead, in our first meeting with you, we listen (which is one of our strengths by the way). At the same time, we’ll ask you and your team a bucket load of questions, take plenty of notes, and hopefully give off the vibe that we can make a big difference to your bottom line – because we most definitely can.

What are your objectives?

What are your objectives?

What are your objectives?

It sounds like an easy enough question, but it’d be great to hear it from you, and see if we can prioritise them.

The more you’re willing to share your thoughts on what success looks like to you – whether it’s ROI, cost per acquisition (CPA), quality over quantity, or something else – then the more focused our recommendations will be.

We excel at creating strategic marketing plans for real estate agents that achieve (and exceed) their objectives. Try us and see for yourself!

Create a personalised strategy

Create a personalised strategy

Create a personalised strategy

Once we’ve spoken with you to understand your business and your key objective at a deeper level, we can get cracking on a tailored personalised agent marketing plan.

This may include a combination of top-, middle- and bottom-of-the-funnel lead generation strategies that we can analyse and optimise from day one.

Improve your website and landing pages

Improve your website and landing pages

Improve your website and landing pages

When was the last time you looked at your website? It’s potentially one of your biggest selling tools, but if it’s not attracting leads, then you’ve got a problem that sadly won’t fix itself. You’re likely spending decent money on your real estate agent marketing, so don’t let it go to waste.

That’s where we come in. Not only can we get more people landing on your landing pages, but we can also make your website more functional and user-friendly with a focus on driving leads and conversions.

Strategic targeting across the platforms

Strategic targeting across the platforms

Strategic targeting across the platforms

Digital marketing takes many forms – perhaps you’re already trying a few different platforms. We can take it to a whole new level without necessarily blowing out your marketing budget.

We can do this through organic growth via strategic targeting on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, as well as paid messaging through Google search engines.

One of our favourite real estate marketing tips for agents is to really explore the different platforms out there – you might be surprised at what can become a lead-generation machine and the main driver of your agent marketing strategy.

Creative and persuasive messaging

Creative and persuasive messaging

Creative and persuasive messaging

Tired of cranking out dull, colourless content that presents your agency in a dull, colourless light? Creativity and persuasive messaging can differentiate your agency in a market where differentiation is difficult.

The consultants and specialists in our marketing company for real estate agents have all sorts of ways to make your brand shine, and to create a ‘wow’ factor that resonates with home sellers and property investors.

This can include creative imagery – videos, sound effects, or graphic devices – plus engaging and relevant content that builds awareness and trust in your agency.

Lead magnet campaigns that pull people in

Lead magnet campaigns that pull people in

Lead magnet campaigns that pull people in

We love lead magnet campaigns, and you will too! We’ve seen how effective they can be at pulling people into your orbit and allowing you to start a conversation.

Part of the challenge is to understand the home seller and the property investor journey – and we’re fortunate we’re not starting from scratch.

In fact, we’ve had some spectacular success with targeting top-, middle- and bottom-of-the-funnel leads with lead magnet campaigns in your industry – and we can do the same for you.

Lead form ads that lead the way

Lead form ads that lead the way

Lead form ads that lead the way

Lead form ads are another way to find potential home sellers and property investors – and grabbing their details. Like anything though, there are good lead form ads, and there are bad.

For starters, it’s got to be quick and easy for your customers to complete. Anything that takes more than about 10 seconds to fill out is bad, and 20 seconds – forget it!

We’re all about making the process as frictionless as possible, on whatever the platform, and funnelling your specific targets into the conversion pipeline.

Follow up with remarketing and email nurturing

Follow up with remarketing and email nurturing

Follow up with remarketing and email nurturing

To keep top- to middle-of-the-funnel leads moving deeper down the funnel, we can implement a range of nurturing remarketing and email campaigns.

The marketing content included in this is geared towards building up your credentials, and proving you have what it takes for home sellers and property investors to entrust you to manage one of their biggest assets.

Snaffle new leads directly through improved CRM

Snaffle new leads directly through improved CRM

Snaffle new leads directly through improved CRM

Another way to generate new leads for your sales team is to improve your CRM. We’ll review your current CRM software, the end-user experience, and the type of information your key targets are looking for.

Much of this is measurable and can take out the guesswork. At the end of the day, every CRM can be improved to drive conversions and sales.

To see how improving your CRM can make a jaw-dropping difference to your overall bottom line, talk with our marketing company for real estate agents today.

Results-driven digital marketing for real estate agents

You know you're the best. We'll make sure your target clients think so too.

Marketing for real estate agents that sends them from 0 to hero

Our agent marketing has helped agents grow their profile and grow their sales. Are you looking for the same?
Real Estate Agent Marketing

Laura Johns

Vivian Yap & Co | Ray White Dalkeith Claremont

Ray White Dalkeith Claremont has been working with Property Hype for approximately 12 months now and has already seen the results of their work. Their professionalism, attention to detail and customer service is second to none. They have team members that cover every touch point, so you know that the best of the best are looking after your campaign. We would recommend Property Hype to anyone looking for a professional digital marketing agency with a local approach.

Real estate agent marketing stats our competitors can only dream about

Yes these stats are real. And yes, we can get the same for you.
Property Clients
Average Increase in Leads
Website Traffic

We’ve implemented a range of tailored digital marketing strategies for real estate agents, both paid and organic, that our competitors can only dream about.

Want Results? Let's Chat >

Game-changing marketing for real estate agents

Find Sellers And Landlords In Your Area, Gain Their Attention, Then Gain Their Business

Real estate agency marketing is all about helping you find your perfect customers both when they are looking for you, and before they even know they need you.

No matter the stage of their journey, if your customers are out there, our marketing strategies for real estate agents ensure YOU are the person they call when they are ready.

Focus on your business

You Can Focus On Your Business – We’ll Focus On The Digital Stuff

You know your strengths as a real estate agency. But we’ve got you covered when it comes to real estate agency marketing. Even if you have a great in-house marketing team, they can only do so much.

At Property Hype we can be totally focussed on your digital marketing and apply all our knowledge and expertise to your business. We know the space inside out. We know the best marketing tools for real estate agents.

We also know where your home sellers and property buyers are hanging out as well. In fact, the vast majority will be spending hours on Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn every week, so that’s where you need to be.

Real Estate Agent Marketing
A marketing partner you can trust

Choose A Digital Marketing Partner Who Can Knock It Out Of The Ballpark.

We’re totally invested in the success of our clients. If you don’t have the time to be 100% focused on the digital marketing side of your business (and honestly, who can be – you already have so much on your plate!) – that’s what we can do. And just quietly, we can knock it out of the ballpark.

We’re confident that once you see how we work, and the innovative digital campaigns we can implement, we’ll quickly become an integral part of your team. We can tackle as much or as little of the marketing as you need. For example, we can do just the SEO and content, or we can do the lot. Real estate agency marketing can be highly effective, and we are just waiting to implement it for your.


Real Estate Agent Marketing
Consistent & reliable flow of leads

We Can Generate The Flow Of Leads, And Keep It Flowing

Once we understand your business objectives, budget, and ideal timeframes, we can get cracking on the strategic approach.
Invariably, one of the top priorities for a real estate agency will be to create a consistent and reliable flow of leads – and it’s a challenge we relish. We can get the leads flowing from all directions and keep it flowing. This allows you to build a valuable prospect database with more top, middle and bottom of the funnel leads.

Real Estate Agent Marketing
Get in front of those that matter

Partner With A Leader In Digital Marketing Who Can Make You The Leading Real Estate Agency

At Property Hype, as one of the top real estate agent marketing companies in Australia, we can position your real estate agency as the leaders in your local area. Better still, we can do this at all stages of the conversion funnel by applying relevant and engaging messaging that taps into those ‘hot buttons’ that home sellers and property investors are weighing up along the way.

Real Estate Agent Marketing
Gain a competitive advantage

Your secret weapon is Property Hype

Struggling to grow your market share in a tough local market with lots of competition? Relax, this type of problem is right in our wheelhouse.

One of the quickest ways to gain a competitive advantage is by implementing more effective digital marketing campaigns across multiple platforms, and really zeroing in on your targets.

We’ll show you how to outsmart your competitors online by developing real estate agent marketing campaigns that work better, attract more home sellers and property investors into your conversion funnel, and that generate jaw-dropping ROIs.

Real Estate Agent Marketing
Improve your sales funnel

Make an impact at every stage of the funnel

In a nutshell, people choose real estate agents they trust. And if you’re off the radar, then you’ve got some work to do.

Clearly, your online presence is vital to establish your credentials. That’s why it’s important to be posting regular content relevant to the needs of your target, with a bit of a ‘wow’ factor about it.

If you’re not sure how, we can help. At the same time, home sellers and property investors are all at different stages in their decision-making process – so the more you can bring into your sales funnel the better.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

Marketing packages for real estate agents

Choose the package that suits you

Every client has different needs, business objectives, and budgets. It’s about sitting down with you and your team and talking through your challenges. What are you currently doing with your marketing? What’s working, and what’s not? Do you have an in-house marketing team? If so, what’s the best way of working together to achieve your business objectives? Over the years, we’ve effectively become key partners with many real estate agencies, and specialist property managers, to achieve some spectacular results with tailored digital marketing campaigns and marketing packages for real estate agents.

Single service

Perhaps you just need some help with SEO, some Facebook postings, or just some content created and are looking for an expert in real estate agent advertising. No problem, we can help.

Integrated services

Or maybe you’re looking for a combination of services like SEO strategy, social media, and an overhaul of your website to generate more conversions. Again, all areas of agent marketing and web design are our forte.

Website design

Or is it time to invest in a new website design, front-end and back, that is going to send your leads, listings, and sales through the roof? If that’s the case, we’re ready to go.

Website & marketing

Or maybe it’s time to bite the bullet and take your real estate agent marketing to the next level with a new website and new digital marketing strategies. We know we can make a difference.

An agency with marketing packages for real estate agents that gets results? That's us!

A digital marketing plan that is 100% customisable to your goals and your budget is just an enquiry away

Agent marketing FAQS

marketing tips for real estate agents

Can real estate agent marketing get leads?

Absolutely. We’ve achieved spectacular lead generation campaigns for real estate agents faced with the same sorts of challenges as you.

You just need to know the strategies and marketing tools for real estate agents that will work for you, your specific business and your objectives.

How do you market a real estate agency?

Start by focussing on digital marketing strategies, paid and organic, to generate more sales listings.

Step One: Top of mind
To take your agency all the way to the top, you’ll need to be top of mind with home sellers and property investors in your local area, or at the very least, be on the radar.

Step Two: Perception
You need to build the perception of a ‘winning agent’, of consistently achieving the best price for the selling of properties, which can be supported with REIWA figures. You also need the perception of having the biggest database of potential buyers.

Step Three: The local community
Get involved in the local community, maybe link up with a local charity, and promote your activities.

Step Four: Reviews
Display ethical standard in all sales negotiations, including all appraisals. For example, don’t high ball a valuation just to get a listing. Encourage happy clients to leave you reviews to feature on your website, which Google loves by the way.

How do you market a property management company?

Whether you’re a specialist property management firm or work within a real estate agency, you’re faced with the same problems –
growing your property management portfolio, minimising the time rentals remain vacant, and generating the sorts of yields that property investors are chasing. By implementing paid and organic digital marketing campaigns that start a conversation, many of these issues can be overcome. We can get them there – but you’ll need to get them over the line.

Step One: Treat your clients’ property investments like your own
Demonstrate that your property management team care more than others and treat your clients’ property investments like their own. This includes a low-tolerance approach to rent arrears.

Step Two: Stress-free property management
Property investors are looking for stress-free property management. This includes finding good reliable tenants, keeping the property tenanted and well-maintained, sorting out any issues quickly, and providing timely correspondence.

Step Three: Develop a great database of potential renters
There’s nothing worse for a property investor than to have a property that’s untenanted for long. And, to be fair, in the current market it’s not a big issue… That said, developing a great database is one way to ensure more property investors choose you.

Step Four: Reviews
Display ethical standards in all contract negotiations, and encourage reviews you can feature on your website.

In terms of strategy, what’s the best marketing for real estate agents?

Two words – digital marketing. At Property Hype, we apply a proven process that involves listening to you (discovery), understanding your ideal customer (insights), and applying proven digital marketing strategies across multiple platforms, paid and organic, that have delivered exceptional results for our real estate agent clients.

Which platform is best for real estate agent marketing?

There’s not one definitive answer. Once we get to understand your business, and your objectives, then we’ll use a tailored approach across multiple platforms.

In most cases though, this includes SEO, organic social media, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, remarketing, and email marketing – it’s comprehensive and together, they work extremely well as a high-performing real estate agency marketing strategy.

What is a marketing plan for real estate agents?

It starts with determining your business objectives, and then creating a plan to differentiate you in the marketplace. Once we have this knowledge, we can work with you and your marketing team to deliver exceptional results, and an even better ROI.

Typically though, it includes the platforms you need to be on, and the type of agent marketing you should be doing. What your messaging is, what your call-to-actions are, what your budgets are – everything!

How do you target the right audience for real estate agent marketing?

Our expertise, understanding, platform targeting, and proven results in your industry mean we can find you the right audience, more often and at all stages of the conversion funnel.

How do real estate agents do marketing?

Most agents try to do it themselves or have an in-house marketing person. However, the most successful agents tend to partner with a marketing company for real estate agents who works specifically in the digital marketing space and can be 100% focussed on driving leads, listings, and sales.

How much should real estate agents spend on marketing?

This varies. A great first step is to work out what results you need to achieve your objectives, what historical CPAs and conversion rates are, then work backwards to define how much budget you need to reach your goals.

How do you market to property sellers?

Our experience has given us an inside running on how to target property sellers at all stages of the conversion funnel based on their interests, common concerns, and aspirational values.

What can I expect from real estate agent marketing?

It depends. What are you trying to achieve, and how quickly do you want it to happen? More importantly, if you accept you need digital marketing expertise, then it makes business sense to choose a company with proven digital marketing success working with clients in real estate (hint, hint).

How can I start marketing my real estate agency?

Contact us, and we’ll introduce you to the phenomenal power of digital marketing. We’ve got a range of marketing packages for real estate agents so no matter your budget or objectives, we can help.

Who is the best real estate agent marketing agency?

We might be slightly biased, but with our experience in the real estate space, the recent awards we’ve won for clients in the sector, and the number of real estate clients who continue to use our services on a regular basis, you won’t find anyone better than us.

Does real estate agent marketing work to attract sellers?

Yes. We can show you how to attract more sellers into your conversion funnel for an exceptional ROI with our strategic (and SUCCESSFUL) marketing strategies for real estate agents.

What are average marketing fees for real estate agents?

It depends on what strategies are included in your real estate agent marketing plan, and how many leads you are going after. Typically, you’ll spend a few thousand dollars a month with a full-service digital marketing agency, and then another few thousand on paid advertising services, like Google and Facebook Ads.

What is the best marketing material for real estate agents?

The best marketing materials are ones that clearly showcase your brand, that focus on your target market’s pain points and exactly how your company can solve them.

There are countless real estate marketing ideas for new agents out there, but if you aren’t focusing on addressing your customer’s needs, you’re missing a prime opportunity.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

Real estate agency marketing is our specialty

We’ve got a few runs on the board in your space

In a fiercely competitive environment, we’re proud to have won international awards for real estate specific marketing campaigns and website designs – proof we know what we’re doing. It’s a space we know inside out, and we understand how to reach more home sellers and property investors. We were also involved in the start of the Property Tribune, fast becoming Australia’s biggest financial property news sites. So when it comes to real estate agent marketing companies, we talk the talk AND walk the walk.

Real Estate Agent Marketing

We have proven experience marketing for real estate agents

Your personal brand needs to stand out, and our agent marketing has done that time and time again

We’re fortunate to have worked with all sorts of property clients – from home builders and developers through to sales agents, realtors and property managers. Strangely enough, they’ll have the same sorts of problems, and we find solutions. Whether it’s remarketing campaigns, improving website conversions, or driving more top-, middle- and bottom-of-the-funnel leads into your conversion funnel for a remarkable ROI, the expert team at Property Hype can help. Call us today, and we can get the ball rolling.

See why we're the leading marketing agency for real estate agents

Growing your database. Growing your leads. Growing your business. It starts here.

Award-winning marketing for real estate agency

We don’t go chasing awards (but hey, they’re nice to win)

Over the years, under our parent brand Living Online, we’ve proven our capability in one of the most competitive business arenas outside of real estate – digital marketing.
Our awards include: Best Online Real Estate Marketing Campaign (SEMrush Awards); Best Real Estate Social Media Ad Campaign Winner (MarCom Awards); Best Real Estate Website (NYX MarCom Awards); and Best Website Redesign for a property management site (Hermes Awards).

At the end of the day, it’s not the awards that drive us – it’s seeing our digital marketing strategies re-energise our clients’ businesses and exceed their expectations. And we can do the same for you.

Still hunting for the perfect real estate agent advertising company?

We've got you covered

Get in touch today for a discussion on how we can help you get more leads and more sales through the best marketing for real estate agents.